Today, I’m sharing how I transformed my boys’ room from blah and boring to wow! This room makeover is not only beautiful and functional but it can also grow with the kids.
Getting started!

I knew I wanted to add some pizzazz to their room without a lot of fuss so I used removable wallpaper. I’ve used removable wall paper few times now in our home, and I love it because its easy to install and easy to remove when I was done with it (This portion of the makeover, at least with the brands I have tried, is renter friendly).

Removable Wallpaper!
Adding removable wallpaper is super easy.

The first thing I did was unroll the wallpaper so it can relax for for a bit, making it easier to hang. The next step was to prep the wall meaning I needed to wipe the entire wall down so it was clean.

Step 3 was marking a level vertical line within 1/2 inch of the wallpaper width. No walls are ever completely straight so this was a must to ensure the rest of the install went smoothly. You can watch the complete process here.

Twin Bed Frame DIY
The next big DIY for the room was to make the boys twin bed frames. I know you’re thinking, “what make the actual bed?” Yes, you can do it.

The process is fairly easy. You will need a few tools: nail gun/small compressor, impact driver, screws, wood glue, level, stain and a saw. If you don’t have a saw the lumber store can often make all the cuts for you. I used Ana White plans and tweaked them a bit since I couldn’t find the same size lumber boards and for ease of installing in the rooms.

I finsihed the twin bed frames by using Varathane stain in briarsmoke stain color and sealed it with polycrylic and sanded with 220 grit between the two coats.

Decorating Time

Now it was time to start decorating the room, making it feel like a kids room.
I got wood dinosaurs from Hobby Lobby and painted them navy blue for a pop of color.

Next I put up blackout curtains in a similar shade of navy blue to their window.

I wanted to add a few of their favorite things to the walls which included Pokemon cutouts I painted as well as a Pokemon phrase above all their toys. I used an off brand of putty similar to Loctite to hang the letters and shapes (also renter friendly).

I then added more wood letters that said “long live boy hood,” a faux fiddle tree between the beds, and yes many may think I should have a dresser and a lamp instead of the tree.

However, if you have younger boys, you know that a lamp can be a bad idea because the boys are constantly throwing things, wrestling, and knocking things over while playing. With this faux tree and basket, they actually like shooting things into the basket so it’s a win win. Plus the greenery just livens up the room.
Next I added pillow covers from Hobby Lobby and Amazon which are super soft, along with soft blankets for added warmth / fort building. I got twin quilts in a taupe color which pairs so nicely with the beds and wallpaper.

I love the way the room came together and I hope I gave you some ideas on ways you can makeover your kid’s room and try some new DIYs.
You can watch the full makeover video and see even more ideas for kids bedrooms in my makeover video!