After months of waiting to get the permit, we finally broke ground and work had started on the foundation of our new home!

Before we sent the house plans to get permitted, we got to pick where on our land we wanted the house to sit and where the driveway would be. Let me tell you, it was so much fun to see the orange stakes indicating the layout of our house on the dirt. Although it didn’t look like much, it was finally starting to feel real (even if just a little bit). Something we have dreamed and worked towards for the last 10 years was actually coming to fruition!

The excavation and preparation process for the foundation started almost immediately once the permit was approved. They cleared out a lot of trees and started a slash pile.

The foundation crew cleared/dug/graded the earth around the future home site in preparation for the foundation to be poured. The patch of earth prepped for the foundation looked so small. I thought, “Our house will fit in this, really?”

Next, the builder laid out all the forms and then filled them with concrete.

A few days later, they put large foundation forms around the footings and added even more concrete.

Once it had cured, the forms were removed and it was time to start framing the house!

In the next blog post we will get to the framing and you’ll see the house start to take shape above ground!
If you missed the first blog about this house build journey you can read it here! Subscribe for more and if you’re not following me on Instagram you should be because I’ll be doing daily updates on the house progress and will also be sharing it all in video form on my YouTube channel Momma From Scratch!